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Reed Animal Hospital


Comprehensive Veterinarian Service
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Veterinarian's Stethoscope
Meet the Doctors

Campbell & Saratoga Veterinarians

At Reed Animal Hospital we strive to provide a welcoming environment with a focus on preventative care and client education. Our goal is to help you and your pet enjoy a healthy, fulfilling life together. We understand how much you love your pets and promise to always treat them with the utmost care and compassion. Our veterinarian services focus on tending to the animals with as much care as we would with our own.

Campbell and Saratoga veterinarians caring for dogs & cats at Reed Animal Hospital

Our Locations

We understand that pet’s get sick on the weekends too, so we offer our services and care seven days a week, with extended hours.


Located on the edge of Campbell and San Jose, our experienced veterinarian staff has the skills, compassion, and technology to take care of all your pet’s health needs.


We were very excited to expand to Saratoga and have enjoyed bringing our care and services to another community!

Why Choose Us?

We Treat Your Pet
As If They Were Our Own

Customer Reviews