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Visit Reed Animal Hospital to Take Care of Food Allergies

What are you allergic to? You might have a peanut allergy or get a stuffy nose when you step outside to freshly cut grass. Whatever the case, allergies can be a nuisance. Did you know your pet might have allergies? Cats and dogs can develop allergies to common ingredients found in their food. Not every animal is allergic to the same things, and different pets might respond in different ways. It is important you know the signs if your pet has an allergy. Reed Animal Hospital can educate San Jose, Saratoga, and Campbell, CA pet owners about signs to look for and how to address potential triggers for food allergies.

Learn More About Food Allergies in Cats

Even if your Cat does not have food allergies, it doesn’t mean they can’t develop them in the future. Cats develop triggers for food allergies when their immune system mistakes a food as a bacteria or virus that needs to be attacked. Cats are prone to a few specific allergens, encompassing numerous different food groups including meats, grains, and dairy.

Cat at the vet

What Might My Cat Be Allergic to? 

Your cat might be allergic to a variety of ingredients found in their food. Many of these components are commonly found in popular pet food brands, so it’s crucial to know what exactly you’re feeding your furry friend. Here are some common ingredients your cat might develop an allergy to:

Cornmeal: Although cornmeal is an inexpensive component of many pet foods, it can result in irritating skin reactions.

Seafood: Cats are known for their propensity toward seafood, but some food items might cause an allergic reaction.

Dairy: Milk is a popular drink associated with cats. However, consuming too much milk is a common trigger for food allergies.

Meat: Meat and meat by-products are a common food allergy in cats.

Preservatives and artificial coloring: These added substances to cat food are often linked to pet allergies.


What Are the Symptoms of a Food Allergy?

If your cat has an allergy caused by food, there are numerous signs and symptoms you can look for in the event of an allergic reaction. Remember, each cat might respond a little differently to trigger foods. Here are common food allergy symptoms:

  • Sneezing or wheezing
  • Runny eyes or nose
  • Excessive vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Coarse fur
  • Snoring
  • Swollen paws or paw chewing
two dogs at vet

Understanding Food Allergies in Dogs

Reed Animal Hospital wants you to be aware of food allergies your dogs might have. Like cats, many different foods can trigger dog allergies. Genetic and environmental factors can influence whether or not your furry friend develops an allergy. The most common food allergies for dogs include:

  • Beef, chicken, lamb, and pork
  • Dairy
  • Seafood
  • Wheat and soy
  • Eggs

Look for These Symptoms in Dogs

Dogs tend to experience allergic reactions differently than our feline friends, although there are a few similarities. If you suspect your dog might have an allergy to food, here are some signs to look out for:

  • Ear inflammation
  • Diarrhea or gas
  • Stomach problems
  • Excessively licking paws

Handling Emergency Food Allergy Symptoms in Dogs and Cats

Whether you own a dog, cat, or both, allergies caused by food can be a very serious issue. We never want something terrible to happen to our furry friends. Allergies can lead to emergencies. If you suspect your pet is having a bad allergic reaction, bring your pet to Reed Animal Hospital. Our team will work hard to make your pet feel normal again.

Test Your Pet for Allergies with a Blood Test

When you bring your pet into our clinic, we’ll likely recommend a blood allergy test. This convenient test allows us to check for reactions to foods, grass, pollen, dust, and much more. These tests are easy to complete for our seasoned team and take much less time than other methods of testing. If we find your dog does have an allergy, we may treat them with an antigen. Antigens are simple to administer and help your pet develop a tolerance for the allergen.

Pet Allergy Report from Reed Animal Hospital - Serving Saratoga and Campbell Areas

Results of a pet’s blood test. This dog developed lesions all over its body. After receiving the results from a blood test, the owner removed pork, sweet potatoes, and green peas (allergens determined by the blood test) from the dog’s diet, and all the lesions disappeared.

Don’t Hesitate to Contact Us!

If you need help finding out if your cat and dog food allergy, or just want to schedule a routine checkup, contact Reed Animal Hospital. We serve the San Jose, Saratoga and Campbell, CA areas and we are happy to assist you with your pet. Our staff are animal lovers and will work hard to make sure you and your pet leave our clinic happy and healthy. Don’t wait to call the vet in the event of an allergic reaction—contact us right away!

We Treat Your Pet as if They Were Our Own