If you’ve recently adopted a new cat or kitten, you should ask a veterinary hospital staff near you about their kitten packages in Saratoga. In…
Everyone knows that a few minutes of exercise each day is good for your health. However, many people do not realize that dogs benefit from exercise…
It can be challenging to determine the proper amount to feed your cat. Some cats are picky eaters who need encouragement to put on weight, whereas…
Kittens are adorable, entertaining, and lovable. However, just as with any pet, ownership requires responsibility. If you have recently welcomed a…
Lasers have been used in the medical field for many years. Doctors commonly use lasers to perform a variety of procedures on humans, including vein…
Protecting your puppy from the start is one of the best ways to ensure it has a healthy life. Schedule a visit to your Saratoga vet hospital for a…
What Services Can a Vet Provide During a House Call?
If you’re considering scheduling an appointment with a veterinarian for a vet house call in…
When Fido won’t stop chewing on your new couch cushions, shoes, or even walls, it can be very frustrating, not to mention costly. Fortunately,…
2015 was quite the year for the Reed Animal Hospital family and we were so grateful that you were all a part of it! We are honored that you choose us…
Do you have trouble getting your cat to the veterinarian? We know how tricky it can be to get a cat comfortably into their carrier – it can be a…