Over the past few decades, marijuana—a slang term for cannabis—has undergone a change of reputation. It was first criminalized in the US in the…
Eight out of 10 cats over the age of three have some form of dental disease. Tooth decay and gingivitis may be common among cats and dogs, but these…
For many people, the COVID-19 pandemic has meant working remotely from home. While this may have greatly reduced your social interactions with other…
Dogs don’t tell you when they’re experiencing dental pain, but they all endure it at some point during their lives. Dental disease is common, but…
A major reason that cats are abandoned or re-homed is inappropriate urination. This is unfortunate, because often, a medical issue is the problem.…
If your pet has needed medical care recently, you are probably aware that, just like with human healthcare, pet healthcare costs are rising. In…
Does your older dog seem stiff lately? The good news is that advances in the care of our pets are allowing them to lead longer lives. Unfortunately,…
You hear all the time, especially this year, about the importance of the flu shot. We know that getting a flu shot protects us from illness and helps…
If you have a dog who loves toys, you know how important those objects can become. Toys serve many purposes in your dog’s life, helping them fight…
When our pets get sick, it can sometimes be disconcerting. They can’t tell us what’s wrong, and we don’t always know how to help. If your dog…